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Torri Kuhse’s Testimonial

By October 17, 2016March 31st, 2019No Comments

A few months ago, I was offered an opportunity for our family to participate in a family retreat that would allow us some much needed time together; especially as we were approaching the 1 year date of Greg’s death. I was nervous, anxious, hopeful, and grateful. I wasn’t sure what the 11th would be like for me, let alone the kids. I hadn’t planned to have them attend school that day and it was a long weekend but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Maybe a local overnight trip-something not to crazy but a chance to get out of the house. With this opportunity, I was excited that we could go somewhere new, try new things, step-away from everyday obligations, and so I accepted the offer to visit Texas Hill Country.

The organization who so graciously hosted me and the kids is called Camp Eyas. This organization was started and intends to help military families who have lost loved ones in the military. Over the threeish days we spent with the Kane family-I learned the story behind the organization, the commitment, dedication, love, passion and shear selflessness that it takes for them to plan something like this for families. I am forever grateful for the days I spent with the kids and the Kane family. I have tons of pics I’m working on and can’t wait to explain in more detail our adventures. John, Svet-and kiddos – thank you from my heart for your kindness, understanding, compassion and most of all – your friendship.

I have included the link to Camp Eyas-feel free to learn about the organization and mission. If you feel that a donation is possible for you – please do so. I can’t imagine how much it cost to fly our family to Tx, feed, house, entertain us for those three+ days. I know that I want them to keep doing what their doing though-it was a phenomenal opportunity and I’m glad I said yes. #campeyas #positiveoutlet #familytime

I’m also including the link to the folks who sent an amazing nature instructor/survivalist to us for the day – super fun and educational! Thanks Mike DiMauro!!!

– Torri Kuhse

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